April 17, 2002
535 Park Avenue
The Town Commission for the Town of Lake Park met in Regular Session on Wednesday, April 17, 2022 at 7:32 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of Town Hall.
ALSO PRESENT: Jason Nunemaker, Town Manager
Betty Resch, Town Attorney
Bonnie L. Goralski, Town Clerk
Carol Simpkins, CMC
Vice Mayor Balius called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. and asked the Clerk to call the roll. All members of the Commission were present except Mayor Castro, who was out of town. Commissioner Longtin arrived at 7:36 p.m. All members of the staff were present. Commissioner Garretson gave the invocation and Vice Mayor Balius led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Vice Mayor Balius said there was one deletion to the agenda. Ordinance No. 9-2002, amending the Future Land Use map of the Town of Lake Park relative to the changes in zoning covered by Ordinance No. 8-2002, is being deleted.
Town Clerk Bonnie Goralski introduced her successor, Carol Simpkins, CMC, to the Commission.
Jerry Krape informed the Commission he had a robbery at his office and six sheriffs responded very quickly.
1. Proclamation - Municipal Clerks Week
Vice Mayor Balius read the proclamation for Municipal Clerks week.
Betty Resch read Resolution No. 17-2002 in total.
Ballots were passed out to the Commission for the annual appointment of Board Members.
Commissioner Longtin would like to pull Item 2, Resolution authorizing the holding of a �Memory Walk� in Kelsey Park by Hospice, and Item 5, Approval of a �No-charge Occupational License� for the Haitian Center for Family Services, Inc. and Public Works Monthly Report for March, 2002.
Commissioner Longtin asked if Hospice has insurance. Sue Deeken informed her they have a blanket policy.
For Approval
Special Commission Meeting Minutes for Feb. 28, 2002
Regular Commission Minutes for March 20, 2022
Approval of a �No-charge Occupational License� for the Haitian Center for Family Services, Inc.
Commissioner Longtin feels every business should pay a license fee. She also noted that we are missing Sections 19-21 of the lease.
Lamel Dorvilus spoke saying they recently obtained a lease for 805 Park Avenue. They have served the community for 20 years. Commissioner Garretson feels it is a good idea to have a waiver, but there are so many organizations who will take advantage and this will set a precedent. Mr. Dorvilus said he has provided sufficient documentation. Commissioner Longtin asked what the fee would be. Mr. Dorvilus said it would be somewhere around $40.00.
Commissioner Garretson withdrew his motion to approve waiving the fee. Betty Resch said the Commission can receive this and file it; therefore, the item was received and filed. No action was taken. This item will be placed on the agenda for the Regular Commission Meeting of May 15, 2002.
Chris Steele, Foresteria Drive, remarked that if a policy is going to be established, it should be done quickly.
Dorothy Taylor, Cypress Drive, feels there is a great need for the Haitian community in Lake Park. She personally requested this organization to relocate to Lake Park. Commissioner Longtin said they will be able to service the town but have to pay for the license. Commissioner Garretson said the Town Commission has decided to change the policy tonight.
Diane Monroe, Hawthorne Drive, asked if the Town would be paying for the license if granted. She was informed by the Commission that they would not be paying for it, but it would be lost revenue for the Town.
For Acceptance and Filing
6 Lake Park Fire Dept. Monthly Report for March, 2002
Strike Force Reports for Feb. 21, 2002 and March 28, 2022
Community Development Dept. Monthly Report for March, 2002
Public Works Monthly Report for March, 2002
Marina Development Control Board Minutes for Feb. 7, 2002, March 7, 2022 and March 14, 2022
P & Z Board Meeting Minutes for Feb. 4, 2002 and March 11, 2022
Board of Adjustment Minutes for Dec. 10, 2001
Code Compliance Board Minutes for Jan. 17, 2002
Special Master Minutes for Feb. 20, 2002
Commissioner Longtin said that in the last paragraph on vehicle maintenance in the Public Works Monthly Report for March, 2002, she did not approve of the attitude reflected in the report. She did not want to accept the report because of the attitude. Town Manager Nunemaker agreed and planned to handle this administratively.
MOTION: Commissioner Garretson made a motion to accept the Public Works Monthly Report for March, 2002. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Otterson and passed 3-1, with Commissioner Longtin voting nay.
MOTION: Commissioner Garretson made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 9-2002, amending the Future land Use Map of the Town of Lake Park relative to the changes in zoning covered by Ordinance No. 8-2002. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Longtin for discussion. After discussion, the motion passed 3-1, with Commissioner Longtin voting nay.
Commissioner Longtin asked about the buffer requirements. Town Manager Nunemaker said there is going to be a 6 ft. to 8 ft. masonry wall and landscaping. There are also drainage issues. It will be necessary for the property owners who develop this property to maintain their water storage. They have to collect their runoff. She asked if anyone expressed interest in this parcel. Jason told her only Mr. Crowley, who withdrew his residential request. This property has not been offered for sale yet.
Vice Mayor Balius compared the area to the Teak Drive area and spoke about the control the Commission has over businesses in that area.
Betty Resch read the ordinance by title only.
MOTION: Commissioner Garretson made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 8-2002, rezoning a portion of S. 10th Street to a C-1 Commercial Zoning District. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Longtin for discussion. After discussion, the motion passed 3-1, with Commissioner Longtin voting nay.
Betty Resch read Ordinance No. 8-2002 by title only.
Rick Goodsell, 410 9th Street, said 324 9th Street never received a registered letter concerning the meeting regarding this matter. Also, he would object to a Rosita�s type business because of the odor. The Town Manager said that in the future a trash compactor would be used to eliminate this. He asked Town Manager Nunemaker if he spoke to Jeff Baumer regarding an increase in property value. Jason said he did, and that Mr. Baumer still objects. Mr. Goodsell agreed with the Commission regarding the license fee. He pays for a rental license for his duplex and does not rent it out.
MOTION: Commissioner Garretson made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 11-2002, amending Chapter 10, Section 10-1, defining the billing rates. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Otterson and all present voted aye.
Betty Resch read Ordinance No. 11-2002 by title only.
MOTION: Commissioner Garretson made a motion to adopt Ordinance No 12-2002, providing a geographic exemption from the conditions of Chapter 15, noise control. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Longtin and all present voted aye.
The Town Clerk received the completed ballots from the Commissioners for tallying. The results are as follows:
Helen Hironimus
Elizabeth Drew
Isabel Fenton
Lisa Colgan
Edie McConville
Joseph Sibley
Chris Steele
William Serrano
Eric Jahnke
Commissioner Longtin asked Town Manager Nunemaker to give a brief description of what these are: Item 12. He said NPDES is an extension of the permit for several entities in Palm Beach County to comply with storm water discharge � it is a five-year extension of that permit. Item 13. Amends the draft of a report which will be submitted.
Town Manager Nunemaker explained site plan approval requested by Park Avenue Barbecue. It has been approved by the Planning and Zoning Board. The recommendation is to provide cost offset. Commissioner Otterson still opposes closing of 8th Street. Town Manager Nunemaker said the P & Z Board recommends a soft landscape center rather than a fountain. Commissioner Longtin likes the plan and favors a five-year term to close 8th Street and reconsider. Commissioner Otterson wants to lease to him yearly for $1.00 or $10.00. Commissioner Longtin favors the idea. Vice Mayor Balius asked who would be responsible for maintenance. Jason replied that Lavalle would be. Betty Resch said we should give him a use easement. Provisions would be set up that he is responsible for maintenance of the property. If you opt for a rental/lease fee, she suggested a flat fee rather than having to track a yearly payment. Vice Mayor Balius favors downtown development but questioned all streets already closed. Betty Resch said the easement would need Town Commission approval.
Diane Monroe, Hawthorne Drive, feels the Town Commission needs to look at closing off streets because it re-routes traffic. Commissioner Longtin told Diane to rally her troops and come back when the question of the easement is again brought before the Commission.
Town Manager Nunemaker said we should spur development of the downtown area by relaxing parking requirements. The 800 block properties could be used for parking and we could charge for parking down the road. Diane Monroe discussed parking alternatives of alleys not being perceived as safe as streets.
Town Manager Nunemaker discussed the phased approach by Lavelle to open gradually �one restaurant at a time.
MOTION: Commissioner Garretson made a motion to approve the site plan, with the condition of the easement to come before the Town Commission. The lease price is to be determined by Town Manager Nunemaker. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Longtin and passed 3-1, with Commissioner Otterson voting nay.
George Garret was sworn in by the Town Clerk. Betty Resch asked who he represents. He replied Lefmark Lighting and Maintenance Company. Betty explained the reason for swearing in Mr. Garret is that he is acting quasi-judicial. He is taking the ordinance and applying it to a specific piece of property.
Diane Monroe, Hawthorne Drive, felt the information to the audience was not sufficient. Town Manager Nunemaker said the entire packet sent to the Commissioners is in the Library the Saturday before the meeting.
Joe Glisson, 850 Greenbriar, said the audio in the room is bad � only every third word is heard. He commented on the noise (Item 10 on the agenda). Commissioner Garretson and Vice Mayor Balius explained that this ordinance addressed sanitation trucks west of the railroad on Old Dixie.
Mike Anderson, President, was sworn in by the Town Clerk
Vice Mayor Balius said the Planning & Zoning Board has approved the site plan. Mr. Anderson said Planning & Zoning requested striking the parking to provide fire access and also addressed additional landscaping.
There was discussion regarding allowing the public additional comments. Commissioner Longtin explained that the Town Commission will set a workshop for input from citizens. Town Manager Nunemaker said we can work on having the workshop televised. We are in the process of finalizing the agreement, which will be put in the Library and on the web site. He feels there has not been outpouring because we already use the County for dispatch. The Workshop is set for Wednesday, May 8, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers of town hall. Betty Resch is fine tuning certain provisions of the contract. Commissioner Garretson asked to get the contract before the meeting.
Commissioner Garretson feels the Mayor would have input on this, but he reviewed it and eliminated certain items to reduce cost. He asked to defer this until the Mayor can be here. Commissioner Longtin asked about credit from last year�s fireworks company. Town Manager Nunemaker said that holding the celebration on July 4th will reduce the crowd and vendors. June 30th will enable more vendors and participants. Commissioner Longtin opposes having it on June 30th. Vice Mayor Balius also opposes not having it on July 4th. Town Manager Nunemaker said it is not about revenue � it�s about showcasing the town. Commissioner Longtin said why not have a flea market to draw the crowds. Commissioner Garretson said we have always held the celebration on July 4th and everyone in the north county expects it. Vice Mayor Balius said he cares only about the town people. After discussion, the Commission, by consensus, agreed to table this until May 1, 2002.
Commissioner Longtin told Bonnie Goralski she wished her well. Vice Mayor Balius said we all do.
Commissioner Longtin asked about the pension payouts. She was informed by Jason that they could not be processed until after 5:00 p.m. on April 22nd, which was the deadline for police officers to turn their paperwork into the town.
Commissioner Longtin made the announcement that there would be dedication of benches for Mr. Foskett at Kelsey Park. She was informed it was a plaque that was to be dedicated � not benches - and refreshments would be served. She asked Town Manager Nunemaker to report on the Marina. She said Lakeshore Drive needs to be cleaned up. She asked how the search for Public Works Director was coming along. He explained he had three interviews with qualified applicants.
Commissioner Otterson inquired about the date and amount of the $9.8 million bond payment. He was informed that it is paid yearly.
Vice Mayor Balius asked about the ball field lights. They were on about 6:00 p.m. tonight. Said there will be a joint PBSO and VFW Bike Rally for kids on May 11th. He asked when the Westlake permit was issued. If they get the permit this year, they are under a different set of rules. He differs on what was approved as the site plan. He asked for a workshop on Westlake with Terry Virta, stating what was applied for and what has been approved so far. They have a Oak Hammock that was supposed to be preserved. The County redirected the road to go around that Oak Hammock and they cleared it. Commissioner Longtin backed Vice Mayor Balius on this but is concerned about staff time. Commissioner Otterson said there were five conditions they agreed to and they are backing out. Town Manager Nunemaker said he will provide copies of minutes, permits, etc. for the May 15th meeting, and then the Town Commission can decide if a workshop is needed. On May 9, 2002, there will be a CRA meeting at 7:00 p.m., followed by a Westlake workshop. Town Manager Nunemaker wants to do an individual sit- down with each Town Commissioner, Terry Virta and himself on Westlake. Bambi McKibbon Turner will contact you regarding this. The Marina groundbreaking ceremony has been scheduled for May 11th. He is concerned about Silver Beach and Federal Highway access. We have not yet issued a Notice to Proceed. This is to be issued within a few days.
Vice Mayor Balius said ATM presented something to the Board at the last Marina Board meeting concerning the center portion development. Commissioner Garretson said the center portion development is for future consideration. Town Manager Nunemaker said previous discussion has been to wait a year to discuss future phases of development. A workshop would be held to get the Town Commission�s comments. Said allowing for some use was part of the original design. Commissioner Garretson said the ship store was always anticipated. Commissioner Longtin feels this should be addressed by the present Town Commission. Commissioner Garretson said June would be a good time to start getting input.
Town Manager Nunemaker said the regular meeting of May 1st will be televised exclusively to Lake Park and televising workshops will also be allowed.
Commissioner Longtin asked if Scott Porter will be at the May 1st meeting. Jason said it may be the second regular meeting in May. The state audit will also be in public forum. He said there has been a lot of interest in the town property. Lowe�s is still on track. He wants to bring the six month PBSO report to the May 15th meeting and have the Under-sheriff present. A one-on- one with Joe Berkery and Town Manager Nunemaker can be arranged prior to the meeting. This meeting will be televised also. We are making progress on moving Community Affairs to the Police Department. The Children�s Home Society summer program is to be housed in the Police Department. A discussion was held on current recreation equipment being put into use before buying new equipment. Jason thanked Bonnie Goralski for her help in his transition to Lake Park and welcomed Carol on board.
Betty Resch told Bonnie Goralski it was a pleasure to work with her, and she looks forward to working with the new Town Clerk for the time she will be here
Commissioner Longtin asked if there was any way we can fix the acoustics in the commission chambers before the next meeting. Said it was even difficult for her to hear at the dais. Town Manager Nunemaker said we are going to do our best.
Vice Mayor Balius said we will have an Arbor Day Celebration on April 26th at 10:30 a.m. at Town Hall.
Commissioner Longtin asked when the attorney session will appear on the agenda. Town Manager Nunemaker told her it would be mid-May. A workshop will be set on this at the May 1st regular meeting.
Emma Kai, 122 Evergreen Drive, complimented everyone on the improvements in town and the article in the WEEKDAY. We need to spread more goodwill. She thanked the Commission for her appointment to the Marina Development/Control Board.
Manny Grinn, a resident of North Palm Beach, complimented the Commission on having the agenda packet and the correspondence at the Library. People cannot take items off the Consent Agenda in North Palm Beach. We don�t have meetings televised in North Palm Beach. He thinks the Town Commission is way above average.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion of Commissioner Longtin , seconded by Commissioner Garretson , all present voting aye, the meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
- _________________________
Paul W. Castro, Mayor
Carol Simpkins, CMC, Town Clerk
Minutes Approved: