May 15, 2022
535 Park Avenue
The Town Commission for the Town of Lake Park met in Regular Session on Wednesday, May 15, 2022 at 7:31 p.m.
- ALSO PRESENT: Jason Nunemaker, Town Manager
- Betty Resch, Town Attorney
- Carol Simpkins, Town Clerk
Mayor Castro called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. and asked the Clerk to call the roll. All members of the Commission were present. All members of staff were present. Vice Mayor Balius gave the invocation and Commissioner Otterson led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Castro added a resolution to the agenda, acknowledging the contributions and sacrifices of Peace Officers Nationwide. Mayor Castro also added a discussion about the memorial plaque for Walter Stroman, Jr. , Kelsey City Deputy.
- MOTION: Vice Mayor Balius made a motion to add the above-mentioned items to the agenda. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Otterson and all present voted aye.
The Town Attorney requested that Resolution No. 19-2002 be removed from the agenda.
Mayor Castro requested that the Morris Building Site Plan approval be moved to Quasi-Judicial Hearings.
The Town Manager placed a presentation by Scott Porter, Auditor, on the agenda.
The Town Attorney requested Ordinance No, 16-2002 be added to the agenda
- MOTION: Commissioner Garretson made a motion to approve the above additions and deletions to the agenda. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Balius and all present voted aye.
Resolution No. 21-2002
- MOTION: Commissioner Garretson made a motion to approve Resolution No. 21-2002 entitled:
- The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Balius and all present aye.
Mayor Castro read Resolution No. 21-2002 by title only.
The plaque for Walter Stroman, Jr. will be moved to the Commission Chambers next to the Sheriff�s Substation permanently. Mayor Castro thanked the Lake Park Historical Society for the funds they contributed for the plaque.
- Lake Park Community Action Plan presented by Under Sheriff
Lt. Joe Berkery introduced Under Sheriff William Tremor, who made the presentation.
Mayor Castro said Lake Park is not a sleepy community. We have problems with drugs and alcohol along with other crimes. He has been receiving complaints about the manned units not being visible in town. Also complaints about their not moving about, sitting in locations - two to three units at a time. He said the PBSO has two trained officers riding bicycles at certain times in the morning. He said he has seen them only one time - wanted to know where they were. We have a big problem with communications with the PBSO. He said he, himself, is very satisfied with the officers patrolling the town. He thinks Lt. Berkery is doing a very good job. He would like to talk about the town paying for an extra traffic officer who would handle all traffic violations.
Under Sheriff Tremor said the PBSO is trying to be proactive. He is cognizant of the fact that communication is extremely important and will address this immediately. He asked that we inform the PBSO as soon as possible about a communication problem that exists - not wait days or a week to advise them. He is concerned about the crime rate and extremely concerned about the drug problem. He said they are making more arrests, more case numbers and more calls. He said he felt that, overall, the report submitted was a good report.
Vice Mayor Balius said Lt. Berkery did take a big hit when he came here because he did have a communications problem. It has gotten better but there is still room for improvement. The lieutenant has streamlined his department and has done a good job.
Commissioner Garretson said he has seen more deputy presence recently.
Commissioner Longtin said we are very fortunate to have Lt.Berkery and feels the County is doing the best they can.
Commissioner Otterson said he is glad that Lt. Berkery is showing interest in Westlake.
Lt. Berkery thanked the Under Sheriff for taking time out of his busy schedule to be at the meeting tonight. He said we need to have a workshop on the hiring of a traffic officer. The cost will be nil because of the revenue the officer will generate over the year. The lieutenant said he will keep doing 110% and that everyone is treated the same.
Dorothy Taylor, 236 Cypress Drive, said there are small, medium and large concerns about the PBSO in the Town of Lake Park. She would like to meet with Lt. Berkery to resolve these concerns.
The Town Manager explained the meaning of an Alternative Response Unit. The Commission, by consensus, authorized the Town Manager to work with the PBSO in establishing an Alternative Response Unit (ARU).
Presentation by Auditor Scott Porter
Scott Porter gave a presentation of the 1999-2000 audit.
Mayor Castro said he would like to review the Compliance Report Draft and letter from the Finance Director and then have the opportunity to ask any questions he might have after Mr. Porter made his report Commissioner Longtin concurred with the Mayor.
Scott Porter said these reports are structured differently and it would be helpful for him to explain how the package fits together, which he did.
Commissioner Otterson asked if Scott Porter had time to separate the $9.8 million bond. Scott gave the explanation on this.
Scott explained that pages 88 through103 concerned federal grants. He said these pages are the most significant findings in all the pages that the Commission has.
Commissioner Longtin asked if we had audits done every year. He replied that we did Audits every year and they had never been late prior to the year 2000.
Commissioner Longtin asked Mr. Porter for a copy of the letter from the Finance Director for 1999. Scott said he would get that for her.
Scott said there will be a final report and he will be glad to come back at the
Commission�s convenience. The Commission set June 19, 2022 for Scott to return.
The following persons addressed the Commission during Public Comments:
- Roslyn Saunders, 211 Ilex Drive
- Emma Kai, 122 Evergreen Drive
- Dorothy Taylor, 236 Cypress Drive
Commission Meeting Minutes of May 1, 2022
Commission Workshop Minutes of May 8 and May 9, 2022
Resolution amending Resolution No. 3-2002
Resolution No. 18-2002
Resolution No. 19-2002
Reversal of reappointment of William Reitz to Code Compliance Board
For Acceptance and Filing
- Minutes of Planning & Zoning Board Meeting held April 1, 2022
- Minutes of Marina Development Control Board Meeting held April 4, 2022
- Letter of Resignation from Education Advisory Board from Maysel Stewart
- Monthly Reports: Library, Community Development, STRIKE - Palm Beach County Sheriff, Community Affairs, Public Works, Fire Department
Mayor Castro removed Minutes of May 8, 2022 Commission Workshop until the June 5th Regular Session.
Vice Mayor Balius removed Resolution No. 18, recognizing VFW Post 9610 and the Ladies Auxiliary for their service and donation, so that the resolution could be read.
- MOTION: Vice Mayor Balius made a motion to remove Resolution No. 18-2002 and the Minutes of Commission Workshop Meeting held May 8, 2022 from the Consent Agenda. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Longtin and all present voted aye.
- MOTION: A motion was made to approve Item 1, Minutes of Commission Regular Meeting of May 1, 2022 and Item 3, Minutes of Commission Workshop Meeting of May 9, 2022 on the Consent Agenda. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Longtin and all present voted aye.
The Commission discussed executing a Declaration of Trust of the Vantage Trust Company Trust.
- MOTION: A motion was made by Commissioner Garretson that Resolution No. 20-2002, amending Resolution No. 3-2002, executing a Declaration of Trust of the Vantage Trust Company Trust, be adopted. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Balius and passed 3-2, with Vice Mayor Balius, Commissioner Garretson, and Commissioner Otterson voting aye and Mayor Castro and Commissioner Longtin voting nay.
- MOTION: Commissioner Longtin made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 18-2002, recognizing VFW Post 9610 and the Ladies Auxiliary for their service and donation. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Balius and all present voted aye.
Mayor Castro read Resolution No. 18-2002 in its entirety.
- MOTION: A motion was made to accept Item 7, Reversal of reappointment of William Reitz to Code Compliance Board, and Item 8, meetings and monthly reports of various Boards and Departments (as listed above in these minutes). The motion was seconded and all present voted aye.
Ordinance No. 14-2002
- MOTION: Vice Mayor Balius made a motion to place on second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 14-2002, adopting the Palm Beach County Ordinance pertaining to alarms. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Otterson and all present voted aye.
The Town Attorney read Ordinance No. 14-2002 by title only.
Ordinance No. 15-2002
- MOTION: Vice Mayor Balius made a motion to place Ordinance No. 15-2002, adopting the Palm Beach County�s Local Amendments to the Florida Fire Prevention Code, on first reading. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Otterson for discussion. After discussion the motion passed 4-1, with Commissioner Longtin voting nay.
Betty Resch read Ordinance No. 15-2002 by title only.
- MOTION: Commissioner Garretson made a motion to defer Ordinance No. 16-2002 regarding sale of Town-owned property. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Longtin and all present voted aye.
Site Plan Approval for Morris Building
Mr. Richard Ahrens, Ahrens Company,1461 Kinetic Road, Lake Park, Florida, was sworn in by the Town Clerk. The Ahrens Company applied for site plan approval for the Morris Building to be located on a through lot running from 14th Street to 15th Street east of Water Tower Road. Mr. Ahrens addressed the Commission regarding this site plan. The Planning and Zoning Board considered this matter at their April 29, 2022 and recommended that the Commission approve the site plan.
Commissioner Otterson said he went by today to look at the job site and Mr. Ahrens told him something about the hedge.
- MOTION: Commissioner Garretson made a motion to approve the site plan for the Morris Building. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Balius and all present voted aye.
Ballot for reappointment of Board Members (Planning and Zoning and Library Board). The Education Advisory Board is requesting the appointment of three students to the Board.
The Commissioners completed the ballots and returned them to the Town Clerk for tallying. The results are as follows:
- Education Advisory Board Reappointment
- Carol Hyatt
- Education Advisory Board New Appointments
- Ashley Balius,
- Amanda Balius
- Tara Henry
- Planning & Zoning/Historic Preservation Board Reappointment
- Mike Scheihing
Recreation Update
Dale Dougherty gave an update on recreation for the Town. The recreation program will be moved to the Police Department. Dale Dougherty said the Summer Camp will be June 10th. He explained the summer program for camp. He said there will be a reduction in cost because it won�t be necessary to bus those in attendance to different locations. Mayor Castro said he thought the After School Program was great. Commissioner Garretson asked for, and received, consensus for a Bounce House for the July 4th celebration.
First Amendment of Term of NPDES Interlocal Agreement
There was discussion by the Commission on this item. After discussion, the following motion was made:
- MOTION: Vice Mayor Balius made a motion to approve the first amendment of Term of NPDES Interlocal Agreement and authorize the mayor to sign same. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Otterson and all present voted aye.
Interlocal Agreement between Palm Beach County and Lake Park for Fire/Rescue Service
Mayor Castro moved this item up on the agenda. Mr. Steve Delai, Assistant Fire Chief of Palm Beach County, was present at the meeting
The Commission discussed the Agreement at length. Mayor Castro said he needs more time to review this Agreement. There are things that are too vague; some need more verbiage; some need more clarification. He had several questions for which he needs answers. Vice Mayor Balius, Commissioner Otterson and Commissioner Garretson also questioned items contained in the Agreement for which they received answers.
The following points need to be considered in the Agreement:
When we have non-emergency events, the Fire Department will help
That our volunteers will be able to respond from the Lake Park Fire Station
The equipment the County does not want will be left with Lake Park to sell.
- The County said they will not need any of the rolling stock except the pickup truck.
Section 5.
After discussion, the Commission asked that this Agreement be brought back to the Commission for their next Regular Meeting.
- Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between Palm Beach Shores and Lake Park
The Commission discussed the amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between Palm Beach Shores and Lake Park. After discussion, the following motion was made.
- MOTION: Commissioner Garretson made a motion to approve the Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between Palm Beach Shores and Lake Park and authorize the mayor to sign same. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Balius and passed 4-1, with Commissioner Longtin voting nay.
Commissioner Longtin questioned when she would get the business cards, when the acoustics would be fixed. She asked if the Commission Meetings were being broadcasted on TV to all residents. Town Manager Nunemaker responded to her questions. She said the developer that was interested in the property at 10th and Park is not going to pursue it. The deal has fallen through. She asked that a resolution be drafted for Lighthouse Elementary School.
Vice Mayor Balius asked where we are on annexation. He feels we should move Doug Stout and the other people at the Marina to the south end because of safety and he feels the contractor can work faster that way. He wants bushes put back on 2nd Street. Town Manager Nunemaker responded on these two items. He also stated he would like to have a workshop on Westlake soon.
Mayor Castro thanked Vice Mayor Balius for representing the town at the ribbon cutting and barbecue for the opening of the new town hall, and the rodeo put on by the VFW.
Commissioner Otterson informed the Commission that Karen Marcus, County Commissioner, said she was no longer the Commissioner for the south end of Lake Park, nothing south of Park Avenue. He said he keeps pushing for the conditions on the apartment complex. He said Lt. Berkery needs a room, a desk, a phone and a 24-hour shift of deputies.
Mayor Castro asked what the status of Park Avenue Barbecue was. He asked if we had heard anything on Lowe�s. Town Manager Nunemaker responded to these questions.
The Town Attorney informed the Commission that the litigation on the Kahn property is scheduled for June 5, 2022 at 7:l5 p.m.
Town Manager Nunemaker informed the Commission there a resume on the table for the Public Works Supervisor, who will start May 20th.
The Commission gave consensus against the Marina Board�s recommendation to amend the plans for the Marina.
A workshop for Westlake was set for May 20, 2022 at 7:30 p.m.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 10:55 p.m.