May 1, 2002
The Town Commission for the Town of Lake Park met in Regular Session on Wednesday, May 1, 2022 in the Commission Chambers of Town Hall. Mayor Castro called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
- PRESENT WERE: Mayor Castro
- Vice Mayor Balius
- Commissioner Garretson
- Commissioner Longtin
- Commissioner Otterson
- ALSO PRESENT: Jason Nunemaker, Town Manager
- Betty Resch, Town Attorney
- Carol Simpkins, Town Clerk
Mayor Castro gave the invocation; Vice Mayor Balius led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Longtin added under Discussion and Possible Action, Item 12, Workshop re: Lawyer Search.
MOTION: Vice Mayor Balius made a motion to approve the agenda. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Longtin and all present voted aye.
Diane Monroe, Hawthorne Drive, said she needs more confidence in the Town Manager�s work. Asked when he is to be reviewed by the Town Commission she was informed the Manager is reviewed on an annual basis.
Commissioner Longtin asked to pull Items 1, 2, and 3 of the Consent Agenda.
Commission Meeting Minutes of April 17 and April 3, 2002.
PBSO Contract Amendment
Participation in Urban County Program for FY 2003-2005, CDBG Interlocal Agreement.
Item 1, Minutes of April 17, 2002, page 9. Change Lakeshore Drive to Lakeshore Park.
Item 2, Commissioner Longtin said she would like an explanation of this. Attorney Resch explained. Commissioner Garretson asked what the difference was in the transfer amount. Betty Resch informed him it was almost $8,000.
Item 3, Commissioner Longtin wanted Town Manager Nunemaker to explain this, which he did.
MOTION: Commissioner Garretson made a motion to accept Items 1, 2 and 3 of the Consent Agenda. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Balius and passed 4-1, with Commissioner Longtin voting nay.
Item 4. For acceptance and filing
Code Compliance Bd. Meeting Minutes of Feb. 212, 2002
Special Master Hearing Minutes of March 27, 2022
An ordinance of the Town of Lake Park, Florida, amending Chapter 14, (Miscellaneous Offenses and Provisions), Repealing Sections 14-33 through 14-44, Replacing Section 14-32 with the adoption of the Palm Beach County Ordinance pertaining to alarms; providing for short title; providing a savings clause; providing for the repeal of ordinances in conflict; providing for codification; providing an effective date.
MOTION: Commissioner Garretson made a motion to place Ordinance No. 14-2002 on first reading. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Balius and all present voted aye.
Mayor Castro feels we should not have to go to Gun Club Road to get a permit for an alarm system. He thinks we should be able to expedite them through here and have the PBSO transfer them to Gun Club Road when we get them. He also disagrees with the stipulation that if you do not have an alarm permit, they will not respond, He does not like the fee. Vice Mayor Balius wanted to know who gets the fees and how do they know the permit gets paid. He said we need this ordinance in place now. We should pass it. Commissioner Longtin wants to table the ordinance.
Lt. Kersey explained that the property owner fills out the permit information and gives it to his contractor with a check for the County. The contractor has the responsibility of turning it into the County. The homeowner is mailed a receipt from the County which verifies payment. One in 200 alarms are real. The main objective is to decrease false alarms. This encourages owners to fix alarms. The monies are kept in the fund until administrative costs are figured.
Betty Resch read the ordinance by title only.
Letter releasing Lake Park from Reverse 911 Grant
MOTION: Vice Mayor Balius made a motion to authorize the Mayor to sign the letter releasing Lake Park from Reverse 911 grant. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Otterson and all present voted aye.
The Commission questioned why we were refusing this grant. Chief Wells explained that we did not meet the qualifications and were not eligible for it anymore.
Budget Amendment
Town Manager Nunemaker said this involves a budget amendment for the Finance Department and a reorganization.
MOTION: Commissioner Longtin made a motion not to pass the budget amendment. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Balius for discussion.
A lengthy, heated discussion ensued concerning the pay raises that were given before mid-year and whether the Finance Department needed an additional employee or reorganization. It was explained that in the Council/Manager form of government, the Town Commission approves the budget and the Town Manager administers it.
The Finance Director explained, in detail, why he needed the restructuring of his department and an additional employee.
For the record, Mike Arciola said that every month he has given reports to the Town Manager for distribution to the Town Commission. He stated that he has not received his annual evaluation and, therefore, has received no pay raise.
After discussion, Commissioner Longtin withdrew her motion and Vice Mayor Balius withdrew his second.
Dr. Jerry Krape, U. S. Highway One, addressed the pay raises given to employees. Feels the Commission should give pay raises � not the Town Manager. Mayor Castro told him the Commission approves the budget, but the Town Manager evaluates employees and gives pay raises.
Diane Monroe, Hawthorne Drive, asked what the special pay was. Town Manager Nunemaker told her it was longevity pay. Mike Arciola said it is longevity in union contracts.
Bert Bostrom, 1451 Flagler Blvd., said that Mike Arciola made the statement tonight that the bond section was a little bit behind schedule, was not up to par and that something needs to be done with it. This is amazing to me because the 1999 audit that was completed September of 2000, on the auditor remarks, it plainly states that we were collecting too much money, and that the Finance Director had better check with somebody to see what should be done. You have that in the packet I gave you. I would like to know � here we are we just a year�s difference -- why we have this discrepancy.
MOTION: Commissioner Garretson made a motion to defer this until the next meeting (May 15, 2022). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Otterson and passed 4-1, with Commissioner Longtin voting nay.
Community Beautification Improvement Funds Update Residential
Mayor Castro thought this was pretty good backup in terms of the amount of money � over $36,000 in the fund. He feels it is time we resurrect this beautification fund and let the people know we have funds available if they want to contribute to help beautify their property within the CRA area.
Town Manager Nunemaker said this is twofold. For informational purposes, this is a grant program for both residential and commercial districts. You have to be in the PADD for the commercial application. Residential is community-wide. He said 20% of the Code Enforcement fines are set aside. Commissioner Longtin asked if this is a line item in the budget and, if so, where. Mike Arciola said it is in the General Fund, balance sheet line item.
CRA Alleyway Master Plan Workshop
Mayor Castro said the next item is setting a workshop for the CRA Alleyway Master Plan. The Commission set Wednesday, May 29, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. for this item. Commissioner Longtin said what we will be discussing at the May 29th workshop is putting in alleyways behind the Park Avenue Shops on either side. Mayor Castro said we will also be discussing alleyway improvements regarding restriping the parking, providing landscaping and buffering with walls. Commissioner Garretson said some additional items we will take up for discussion are Rosita�s and Town Festival Events.
Discussion of Fireworks/Fourth of July Celebration
Mayor Castro said he wants to have the Fourth of July fireworks on July 4th.
Motion: Vice Mayor Balius made a motion that we hold our fireworks on July 4th. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Otterson and passed 4-1, with Commissioner Garretson voting nay.
A roll call vote was taken as follows:
Commissioner Garretson feels that if we do this on July 4th it will take away from the celebration. It will be on Thursday, it will be a smaller festival, and we will have to share it with everyone else. Vice Mayor Balius said he has lived in Lake Park about 19 years
and the park was always packed. This event is commercialized enough. Mayor Castro would like to try the Fourth of July this year because we have not had it on July 4th in over four years. Commissioner Longtin agreed that it should be on July 4th.
Vice Mayor Balius asked last year for the cost to the town and never got an answer. He wants a record of this year�s actual cost within one month.
Commissioner Garretson would like to have something in the near future to showcase Lake Park � perhaps a Field Picnic Day. Would like this placed on the agenda for June 5th.
Mayor Castro said Dale Dougherty has been good at negotiating fireworks contracts.
Gary Jackson, 1210 Gateway Road, has always requested information on town functions and never got a response. Businesses do not see any return. Would like to have the Commission and staff review the town events to see if they are money-makers.
Buena Vista Case
Attorney Resch informed the Commission there is no settlement in the offer in the Buena Vista case now. Town Manager Nunemaker contacted each commissioner, one on one, to apprise them of the situation. He said that he will be able to give the Commission more information after Friday. The Town Attorney requested that another Executive Session be scheduled. The session was set for May 15, 2022 at 8:30 p.m.
Town Manager Nunemaker asked the Commission to set a date for an attorney workshop, where they could interview the four applicants. Mayor Castro feels we should have a one on one meeting with them and then have a workshop. It was determined that the Commission would interview the applicants, one on one, at their convenience and then interview all of them at an attorney workshop. The attorney workshop was scheduled for May 22, 2022 7:30 p.m. and a special meeting will be held May 28, 2022 at 7:30:p.m. for the purpose of having the Commission vote on approval of the individual who will be the next town attorney.
Vice Mayor Balius said we had a Loyalty Day on the front steps of Town Hall last Saturday. It was put on by the VFW and we had a flag ceremony. We had about thirty people gathered there. We gave hamburgers and hot dogs away at the VFW afterward and there were about one hundred people there. The Ladies Auxiliary presented an American Flag and a POW Flag to the town.
MOTION: Commissioner Longtin made a motion to have a resolution drafted for the next meeting thanking the VFW and the Ladies Auxiliary for Loyalty Day and the American and POW flags, respectively. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Otterson and all present voted aye.
Also, on May 11th the VFW and Town of Lake Park will have a Bikeathon. The kids will get a helmet and hot dogs and soft drinks free.
Vice Mayor Balius would like to address cars parking on sidewalks. He said in his neighborhood, there are more cars on the sidewalk than on the street. He feels we need our Code Enforcement officer to work on week-ends and different shifts to enforce not parking on sidewalks. Town Manager Nunemaker said Greg Durgin does work on some Saturdays. In addition, we can look at hiring part-time retired Code Enforcement officers to work on week-ends to resolve this problem.
Vice Mayor Balius thanked all the Commissioners, the Town Manager, town employees and residents who came to the ceremony where a plaque was presented in memory of Mr. Foskett on April 24th. Mr. Foskett gave the town Lakeshore Park.
Vice Mayor Balius asked the Manager Manager if he found out about the grass on the railroad right-of-way by Park Avenue and Old Dixie. Also, when you turn left to go to Old Dixie, the road is striped wrong.
Vice Mayor Balius is waiting for Second Street to be closed down. People drive around the barricades.
Vice Mayor Balius would like the Recreation Director to come up with some proposal on what we can do for the kids in Lake Park. He would like to see our ball teams back in Lake Park. This town had a parade every year when the Little League started. We need a plan with an implementation date. Mayor Castro said it is up to the parents to run the league. The parents coach and organize. The towns and cities do not run it. He feels we should solicit it � not create it Tell them we have the field to practice and play on and we will sponsor a team to get it started.
Vice Mayor Balius said he has listed a number of questions on Westlake. He would like to have someone see what is going on there concerning the trees, the excavation and the clearing of property. Town Manager Nunemaker will check on this and bring the backup to the Commission.
Commissioner Longtin wants the disbursement history for April. Town Manager Nunemaker will get this for her by the second meeting in May.
Commissioner Longtin would like to have a block party in the 500 block of Foresteria. Vice Mayor Balius asked who would sponsor this party and Commissioner Longtin replied the town. She was informed the town does not sponsor these. Mayor Castro said he had one and it was sponsored by Publix.
She asked about the acoustics in the Commission Chamber. Town Manager Nunemaker said the PA System itself should be addressed by the next meeting and the audience will be able to hear by the next meeting.
Commissioner Longtin addressed televised meetings. She Asked the Town Manager to explain what people have to do to see us. Town Manager Nunemaker explained what was necessary, the primary necessity being cable. He said this will be clarified by the next meeting.
Commissioner Longtin said we need to renegotiate the Sheriff�s contract. She will bring this back in the month of June.
Commissioner Longtin asked the Town Manager how his search was going for the Public Works Director and if he had hired one yet. Town Manager Nunemaker said he has not yet hired anyone, but he is doing checks on some individuals.
Commissioner Longtin asked if the Notice to Proceed has been issued at the Marina. Town Manager Nunemaker said it was issued April 29th.
Commissioner Longtin said with the change in telephone numbers, the Commission will need new business cards.
Vice Mayor Balius said the answering service in town takes too many rings before the machine comes on � most people hang up. Town Manager Nunemaker will check into this.
Commissioner Longtin apologized to Vice Mayor Balius for her attitude at the last meeting. She said she meant every word she said, but should have said it a little bit sweeter. Vice Mayor Balius accepted her apology.
Commissioner Garretson thanked the staff for the voting machine. It will be placed in the library, close to the front desk. Mayor Castro asked for consensus from the Commission to draft a letter for his signature to Theresa LePore, thanking her for the voting machine. Consensus was granted.
Commissioner Otterson had notes on Westlake which he gave to the Town Manager, who will provide these notes and those from Vice Mayor Balius at the workshop on Westlake.
Commissioner Otterson said at the Planning and Zoning meeting, they dedicated the waterways to Lake Park, which means the town would be responsible for maintaining them. We certainly do not want that.
Commissioner Otterson said the Hammock (Westlake) is not located in the right place
Commissioner Otterson is concerned about the fresh water supply. Talked about desalination plants offering the best solution to the State�s current water supply problem. Highland Beach and Jupiter have both pumped their water sources dry and are getting a new cheaper type of plant. This is something to think about.
Vice Mayor Balius discussed what the Commission did not do that the Planning and Zoning Board recommended.
The Town Attorney had no comments.
Town Manager Nunemaker said he would like to finalize with regard to the salaries. His perspective on that is he has been here six months and has made a lot of progress. He would like to pick up from where the budget was legally adopted and move forward. If we want to keep looking backward at mistakes or mis-communications, we can spend a lot of time doing that, but it will hinder my ability to continue to make forward progress. He does not see where going through this bitterness and negativity will accomplish anything. He said if he did not have the trust of the Commission, then get rid of him. Let him do what he came here to do which is administer the town, the policies set by the Commission and implement them. He said it is not personal, but if you need someone else, get someone else. Commissioner Longtin said it may be an option, but she would like to work with him.
Mayor Castro said there was no mis-communication. The Town Manager�s direction is based on the policy we set. If we put conditions on budget items in terms of putting money in line items, that is part of the budget. We are not trying to micro-manage. We were in a situation where we had to take extreme steps. We went through four interim town managers. We were not sure where we were. We were getting pressure from the Finance Director to approve a budget higher than what we wanted to approve. Mayor Castro said I trust you 100%. He said the point they were trying to make is that was their understanding when they set the budget related to those salaries. We have learned a lesson. We will make a hard, fast decision this year.
Commissioner Otterson said we did not vote on the pay raises and I don�t think you will find it in the record. Town Manager Nunemaker had no way of knowing about it.
Vice Mayor Balius asked if the fifteen employees who have not had their evaluation and pay raise would get one. Town Manager Nunemaker they have not, but he intends to give them a raise in pay. Vice Mayor Balius said he does not begrudge anyone a pay raise, but would strongly recommend that the Town Manager not give any more pay raises.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 10:01 p.m.