How do I become a member of one of the Town�s Boards? Stop by the Town Clerk�s Office or call and request an application. Along with the Application you will receive a Board Summary, which gives the purpose of each Board and the dates on which the meetings are held. Complete the application, indicating which Boards most interest you, and return it to the Clerk. When an vacancy occurs on a board of your choice, a Ballot along with your application will be placed before the Commission for appointment. You will be notified of the results. Can I get copies of the Commission Agenda before the actual meeting? Certainly. The Agenda is usually prepared on the Friday prior to the Wednesday Commission meeting. If you wish to have a copy of the Agenda faxed to you, please contact the Town Clerk�s office to make arrangements. The Agenda , along with the Synopsis of the previous Commission meeting, are also available on the Town�s web site. The entire Agenda packet, which contains the Agenda itself, as well as the pertinent background information, is available to the public on the Saturday prior to the Wednesday Commission meeting at the Town Library. It is also available during business hours at the town Clerk�s office. Are the Minutes of Commission Meetings public record? Yes they are. If you would like to review the minutes of any Town Commission Meeting � or any Board meeting � you are welcome to come to Town Hall. Audio Tapes are also made for each Commission and Board meeting held within the Town. Copies of the tapes are available for $2.50 each by calling the Town Clerk�s Office. A public record is any piece of information or documentation made in the course of municipal business. This would include, but not be limited to, any correspondence sent or received by any department, employee or commissioner of the Town in the course of conducting business; Minutes of any Board or Commission meeting; documents, such as leases or contracts between the Town and any other agencies; bid specifications or bid results; personnel records (with the exception of health records); financial and budget reports; building permit applications and inspections; and site plans for proposed development. The Code of Ordinances of the Town of Lake Park consists of two parts: the Charter and the Code of Ordinances. The Town�s Charter establishes the Town itself, creates the municipal government, sets forth the Town�s boundaries, establishes the form of government (Commission--Manager Plan), sets forth the terms of office for the Commission, the qualifications required of the Town Manager, along with the duties and responsibilities of the Manager and certain department heads. It also details the election process within the Town. The Code of Ordinances is the guideline for the Town. It contains the Ordinances, or laws, passed by the Commission since the Town began. Each Commission makes new laws and amends laws that have already been in existence. Once the Commission decides to either make a new law or amend an existing one, they prepare an Ordinance, which must be adopted on First Reading at one Commission meeting, then advertised for public hearing to be held at the following Commission meeting where it appears on the Agenda for Second Reading and final adoption. At this meeting, the public can offer input to the Commission prior to the vote for final adoption. In October of each year, the Town Clerk compiles the Ordinances from the previous year and forwards them to the Municipal Code Corporation where they are codified, meaning they are put in final form and printed as a supplement to the Town�s Code Book. The Town Code Book is available to the public at the Town Clerk�s Office as well as at the Lake Park Library. |