Handheld Auto Navigation Systems

There are many different types of auto navigation systems. Among the many you will find those that come factory installed, those that are attached to the interior of your automobile through the use of suction cups, and still others that are handheld devices which can simply be installed by attaching a cord to your cars […]

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The Hybrids Of The Future

Honda Cars is planning to build a new plant in western Japan to increase its capacity to produce key components for honda hybrid vehicles. The plant is expected to start operations in 2008. The plant, once fully operational, will allow the car manufacturer giant to quadruple its current honda hybrid vehicles production level. Last year, […]

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Top Beach Vacation Spots

No matter what season it may be, taking a beach vacation is both fun and relaxing. There are many beaches all over the world to pick from. You can choose from a white sandy beach, lava rock beach, secluded beach, or a popular beach - as the choice is entirely up to you. 1. Polo […]

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Hybrid cars: The vehicles of the future?

With the price of gasoline hiking up to astronomic proportions, a lot of motorists are resorting to different ways to save on fuel. Some of them use alternative diesel. Others resort to using bikes, which can also contribute to the clean air program. Some who cannot do away with their rides, however, chose to buy […]

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Family Beach Vacation At Atlantis

Located on Paradise Island in the Bahamas, the Atlantis Paradise Island offers so many activities that it’s probably one of the only resorts in the world where you’ll need a map to even get around! The accommodations here range from moderately priced to very expensive. Families on vacation here should consider staying in the Coral […]

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Keeping on Top of Gaming News

The gaming industry is a huge industry that consumes as much news space as any other widely known enterprise. It’s so large in fact, if you take a walk down the aisle of any store that sells magazines, you’ll find at least two or three gaming magazines to select from - and this includes stores […]

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Canon XLH1

On September 18 of 2005, Canon broke new ground in the digital video camera industry, announcing the XL H1, which was Canon’s first DVC featuring high definition. Originally developed based on the needs of professional and enthusiast videographers, the XL H1 retains the operability of Canon’s very popular XL2 while increasing the professional function and […]

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What’s Up With Playstation 2 and 3?

A Guide of What’s Available for SCEA’s Playstation 2, Playstation 3, and the PSP System The Playstation Systems. As number three in a line of Playstation products, Playstation 3 ($599.99) boasts new parallel processing that enables broadband multiplayer action. It’s built in Blu-Ray disc drive promises high definition gaming, tons of media storage, streaming videos, […]

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What Judges Look For at Car Shows

Have you ever wondered exactly what the judge’s at car shows are looking at? Many people wonder and yet not everyone is always fully aware of what they are looking for. Of course there are different categories have different criteria about what is expected for each car. You are never going to please all of […]

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