Historically, Public Works Departments throughout the world have provided essential services to the citizens of their cities, towns and provinces, as well as staff support to other governmental bureaus, divisions or departments.
Sometimes when a service is taken for granted, few folks realize the many talents that are encompassed in a Public Works Department. Conducive to the residents'everyday quality of life and well being, the Public Works staff is busy caring for and maintaining the infrastructure of the Town.
Lake Park's Public Works Department is staffed by 29 employees comprising five divisions which operate out of 650 Old Dixie Highway under the direction of the Public Works Director. The Department is open from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM daily. In addition, the Lake Park Marina, located at 105 Lake Shore Drive, is an operational division of Public Works with a Dockmaster and four part time dock attendants.
The Divisions of Public Works:
- The Administration Division provides supervision both to Public Works staff and vendors providing support services. Administration sets goals and objectives and provides leadership through a united team spirit in order to complete the many tasks undertaken by the department.
The Sanitation Division includes not only service to both residential and commercial customers, but also provides collection, disposal of garbage, trash, vegetation and recycling pickup. The Town provides customers with the necessary garbage cans, recycling bins or dumpsters as needed.
Grounds Maintenance Division is responsible for maintaining all Townparks (28.15 acres), ballfields (5.5 acres), medians, easements, alleyways, building grounds and greenery (including grass, trees and shrubs) throughout the Town.
Facilities Maintenance Division cares for all Town streets, sidewalks, storm drains, street signs and signals. The division is also responsible for building maintenance and repair and assists other departments in special festivities and functions.
The Vehicle Maintenance Division is the smallest division. It provides service to all town owned vehicles and equipment. This is quite a task considering the varied types of vehicles: passenger cars, fire rescue vehicles, sanitation trucks, pickups, heavy equipment, mowers, grounds maintenance tools and equipment.
This is just a cross-section of the Town's Public Works organization. Public Works staff approach every task with positive inner drive and an attitude to provide the best quality service for the citizens of Lake Park, as well as always helping to improve the appearance of the Town. Lake Park is a Town on the move and Public Works is working hard to accomplish our goals, and live up to the Mission Statement of the Town of Lake Park.
Public Works FAQ
You can E-mail us at [email protected]