Under the Command of Chief Michael T. Wells, Lake Park Fire Rescue provides a full range of fire suppression, prevention and Advanced Life Support emergency medical services for the towns of Lake Park and Palm Beach Shores.

All of our full-time personnel hold Florida State Fire Safety Inspector certification, and all of our operations staff hold Florida State Firefighter certification.  We have ten Paramedics and two Emergency Medical Technicians on our full-time staff .

Lake Park Fire Rescue responds to approximately 200+ fire alarms and 875+ emergency medical calls a year.  In addition, the department conducts annual fire safety inspections of all business occupancies in Lake Park.  These inspections are conducted according to national fire safety standards, which have been adopted by the Lake Park Commission and are part of the Town of Lake Park Code of Ordinances.  An annual fee for this service is included as part of the town's occupational licensing system.  Our Fire Medics also offer free blood pressure checks at Station 1, but please call first to make sure they are not out on a call.


Station 1,

 535 Park Avenue

Station 1, our operations center, is temporarily located in the trailer behind Town Hall.  There are at least three personnel, two Paramedic and one EMT, on duty at Station 1 around the clock.  Our first-run engine, a Boardman 1987 Class A fire pumper with a 1500 gallon water tank, and our Rescue Units are garaged in Town Hall, in the old Station 1    .

Station 2

640 Old Dixie Highway, 848-3457

Station 2, located west of the railroad tacks at the intersection of Park Avenue and Old Dixie Highway, is manned by volunteer personnel on an on-call basis.  It houses a 1973 Ward LaFrance Class A fire pumper with a 500-gallon water tank, a brush truck, and a support vehicle with remote SCBA air bottle refilling capacity.

The fire department's administration office is also located at Station 2. Office hours are from 8:30 AM to 4:45 PM.


           A New Fire Station For Lake Park


The town held the ground breaking for Lake Park's new 9,000squarefoot central fire station on Monday at its future site on the corner of Park Avenue and Tenth Street.

Once completed, the central fire station will house all fire rescue personnel and equipment. Additionally, the structure, which will be the sturdiest in town, is designed to withstand categoryfour hurricane winds, and will function as the town's emergency operating center during hurricanes and other disasters.

The building, which is being designed in the Mediterranean Revival style, is exemplary of the look the town is promoting for Lake Park's downtown.

"it is not only the corner stone of Park Avenue, but also of Lake Park's entire downtown redevelopment," Town Manager Terry Leary said.

The area in the back of town hall where the fire fighters are currently housed will be converted into a recreation and meeting area after the central fire station is built. The fire station, which is designed with the ability to have second floor in the future, is expected to be completed in nine months, prior to the peak of hurricane season.



If you would like the Fire Department to check your home for fire safety hazards, please call fire administration at 848-3457 during business hours to make an appointment.  We will be happy to show you how to make your residence fire safe.


The fire department offers fire safety education presentations to Lake Park schools, youth groups, condominium associations and other civic organizations free of charge.  We also offer presentations, station tours and CPR classes to smaller local groups.  If your school or organization is interested, please call administration at 848-3457 to make an appointment.

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