Commission Action ...




At their Regular Commission Meeting of March 7, 2001, the Town Commission of the Town of Lake Park made the following Motions/Actions:


·                   Authorized Amendment to the Agreement Between the Department of Environmental Protection and the Town of Lake Park for the approved recreational project known as Back to Basics.

·                   Authorized amendments to the Historic Preservation Grant Award Agreement.

·                   Authorized a change order to the Interlocal Agreement between Palm Beach County and the Town of Lake Park for a sewage pump-out facility at the town's marina and a change order to the Interlocal Agreement between Palm Beach County and the Town of Lake Park for a storm water management system at the town's marina.

·                   Proclaimed the week of April 16-22, 2001 as "Community Development Week."

·                   Honored Dorothy Gooding, Edith Judge, Kathy Judge, and Diane Sophinos with a resolution commending their efforts in archiving the town's historic documents.

·                   Authorized the purchase of a side loader collection truck for the Public Works Department.

·                   Placed on first reading Ordinance No. 1, 2001 changing the intersections of Date Palm Drive and 6th, 7th and 8th Streets to a different section of the town code.

·                   Approve a resolution to apply for a Florida Inland Navigation District grant. .