Four Historic Homes Receive Historical Society Plaques

The Lake Park Historical Society is proud to present the first historic designation plaques to the following four individuals:


Dr. Robert Greer, 624 U.S. I

William Serrano, 304 Foresteria Drive

John and Fran Giovagnorio, 227 Foresteria Drive

Chuck Watkins, 918 Park Avenue

A ceremonial procession that went to each of the homes was held Oct. 1 After the presentation, the plaques were then mounted to the owners' buildings. The bronze plaques may be purchased by owners who have houses on the Lake Park Historic Register. The Lake Park Historical Society has offered to pay for half of the cost. The society would like to congratulate these owners for their support of Lake Park history.

Pictured above is Assistant to the Town Manager Kathleen Slesnick; Public Works Director Brian Sullivan; Chuck Watkins, owner of 918 Park Avenue; Historical Society member William Serrano; Town Manager Terry Leary.

Florida Redevelopment Association Honors Lake Park

LAKE PARK  The Town of Lake Park and Burkhardt Construction have been recognized by the Florida Redevelopment Association for the Park Avenue Streetscape Capitol Improvement Project.


Town Manager Terry Leary and Mayor William Wagner accepted the certificate at the Florida Redevelopment Association Annual Conference in Delray Beach on Sept. 10. Lake Park received the top honor from among a large group of applicants throughout the state for its innovative contracting methods and quick construction time. The project, which Burkhardt Construction completed in less than six months, was finished December 1998. It is one of numerous redevelopment projects funded in part by the Town's bond issue.

Town Manager Terry Leary was also a guest speaker at the conference. She spoke to the attendees about Creative Streetscape Partnerships and the Park Avenue project.

Vice President of Burkhardt Construction Dennis Haynes, Town Manager Terry Leary, Burkhardt Construction President Vince Burkhardt at the Florida Redevelopment Association Conference.