The Lake Park Historical Society is proud to present the first historic designation plaques to the following
four individuals:
Dr. Robert Greer, 624 U.S. I
William Serrano, 304 Foresteria Drive
John and Fran Giovagnorio, 227 Foresteria Drive
Chuck Watkins, 918 Park Avenue
A ceremonial procession that went to each of the homes was held Oct. 1 After the
presentation, the plaques were then mounted to the owners' buildings. The bronze plaques may be purchased by owners who have houses on the Lake Park Historic
Register. The Lake Park Historical Society has offered to pay for half of the cost. The society would like to congratulate these owners for their support of Lake Park history.
Pictured above is Assistant to the Town Manager Kathleen Slesnick; Public Works
Director Brian Sullivan; Chuck Watkins, owner of 918 Park Avenue; Historical Society member William Serrano; Town Manager Terry Leary.