Commission Action ...
.At the Town of Lake Park's Regular Commission Meeting of January 10, 2001, the Commission made the following actions:
*Held a joint meeting with the Education Committee to discuss the displacement of the children from Lake Park Elementary School. Edward R. Oppel, School Board CEO was present. It was discussed to place portables on
the 6th Street Ballfields, and start a charter school there at the same time. Consensus was given to have Martin Coyle negotiate this project with the school board.
*Approved an amendment to the lease with Bell South.
*Approved the site plan for the new Town of Lake Park Records Retention Facility that Crown Castle (Bell South) is going to build for us.
*Gave consensus that they would consider a one-story building to be built on 10th Street in the Park Avenue Downtown District.
*Approved Resolution 1, 2001, allowing the Town Manager to apply for a Historical Records Grant.
*Approved the hiring of Lynne Harris, Bob Sanders and Kevin Lawler as the legal team for the public/private partnership of the marina redevelopment project.
For a copy of minutes, please contact the Town Clerk's office located at the temporary facility of 849 Park Avenue, or phone 848-3544. Copies are $.15 per page.