The Town of Lake Park Finance Department is staffed by the Finance Director, and four full time professional and clerical personnel.
The primary mission of the department is maintaining the financial integrity of the Town within legal mandates and generally accepted accounting and financial management practices.
The department provides many services to town departments and citizens,such as sanitation billing; marina billing; occupational license application assistance, issuance, annual renewal billing and licensure; vendor payments; payroll processing; cash and investment management; budget tracking; internal and external financial reporting; grant financial administration and financial reporting; bond funded project accounting; debt management; general insurance and employee benefit insurance purchasing and administration, and oversight of the town's annual independent audit.
With the advent of Lake Park's town wide renewal, development of strong banking relationships and intergovernmental support systems are essential for securing the excellence we seek for our future. In this regard, we have been most fortunate to have secured very favorable financing for our capital projects, and have developed strong grant relationships with many of the State and Federal agencies which have financial assistance programs to enhance our original vision
.The department is proud of its past accomplishments in achieving the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting award for the past three years.